Vanilla ice-cream

So easy to make and so yummy! No ice-cream maker needed for this, just a freezer. It takes about 10 minutes to make and about 2-3 hours to freeze, although we never can wait this long and often eat it even half- frozen.
It is quite a big portion. Serves up to 8, but we manage to have it all in two sittings. 


2 large eggs;
300 ml of double cream;
100 g of sugar;
vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

1. whisk in the separate bowls -
   - egg whites with half of the sugar;
   - egg yolks with the rest of sugar and vanilla extract [vanilla sugar];
   - double cream - do not over beat, unless you want some richer taste of a cornish ice-cream; stop just after soft picks form.
Here from left - cream; egg yolks, egg whites.

2. Combine everything together [best with a wooden spoon] and spoon it into the plastic container.
It will look like this:

3. Place in the freezer and enjoy it after 2-3 hours. It can be done over night. 
There is no need of defrosting this ice-cream before serving - very easy to serve!
Try to add a scoop to your black espresso!!!
Yum, yum, yum!!! and this comes from a person who does not even like ice-cream too much!
But this one... just try it!
