Apricot,Plum,Orange and Mint Jam

There is no better way to improve my mood then making myself busy in the kitchen. If anything fails this will always work for me.  This Saturday was time for new jam!
Apricot, Plum,Orange and Mint Jam, or in other words - jam of anything I could find :-) and thought it would work. And it did!
As I could not find that Oetker's Gelfix 2in1 I wrote before in my other "jammy post" and I do not like using too much sugar to thicken jams or cook them for too long,  I just used pure gelatin and it worked perfectly well. Straight away needed to ring my mum and tell her about my discovery! She said she would do the same with the next batch :-)
The jam is again very light, not too sweet and perfect for a breakfast or even used for baking tarts!
I will possibly end up eating it straight from the jar :-)

 So what I had at home and what I got from the market?

1000g plums - stone removed;
2000g apricots - stone removed;
600g fine light brown sugar;
mint from the garden to make a strong mag of mint tea;
1 large orange;
gelatin - enough for 2.5l of liquid;

1. You will need about 10-12 small jars [ I used 10, but of very different sizes]. Place jars with lids [open] in the oven preheated to 100C, for about 1/2 hour to get them sterilised. Half an hour is about the time you need to make this jam as well.

2. chop apricots and plums into smaller pieces, so they will not take long time to cook.
Wash orange as you need the whole zest of orange as well as the peeled fruit - also chopped into smaller pieces.
3. add chopped fruit, sugar, orange zest, mint tea into the large pan and bring it to a boil. Cook for about 15-25 minutes, depends of how hard fruit is. My apricots were pretty hard, so I cooked it for about 25 minutes before adding gelatin.
4. add gelatin - check on the package of how to use it. My did not require cooking, so I only stirred it into the hot fruit. If your gelatin requires dissolving first in some hot liquid I would do it in mint tea before adding it into the whole jam mixture.

5. put jam into hot jars and close them. I always put them upside down until cooled.

Enjoy! Or give it your friends as a very unique present!
